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assignment 5

Material Selection


To choose a material for the project using Cambridge Engineering Selector software.

component for material selection

I have considered the top casing of the IV stand which will hold the IV infusion bottle as a components for the material selection.


Fuction of the casing
  • To provide cover for IV infusion bottle
  • To provide support to the bottle
  • Design requirements

  • Functionto support the IV infusion bottle
  • Constraints shear modulus, recyclability, flammability
  • Objectiveminimize mass and price, maximize strength
  • Free variableChoice of material
  • Material Indexes


  • Strength can be taken as Young's modulus
  • Mass can be taken as density
  • price will remain price

  • Material Indexes
  • young's modulus/density
  • price
  • Plot between material indexes

    material plot

    Material screening

    young;s modulas greater than 5e6 psi
    Shear modulas greater than 2e6 psi

    material plot


    material plot


    material plot

    After magnification

    material plot

    Seek Information

    Material information were obtained by clicking on the material and dragging.

    material plot


    Material families with low price were selected after all the screening. These materials were part of metals or concrete family. For our purpose we cannot use concrete. So the metals were selected and properties were investigated. Cold rolled steel is providing good mechanical properties at the lowest price. So, it is selected for our purpose